Economic crisis are continuously growing in this time. The fact that we are having crisis and that we also lack support from the government is actually a big burden to us. Considering that we are all doing our jobs to make a better future, we need to be attentive as well to what is happening around us. Because at this very moment, we can not say that we will be safe for the crisis that our country is experiencing. This may also be the time for us to mind on discovering ways on how we can get through this crisis. We should not be staying and sitting in one corner and wait for something to happen, instead, we have to work hard to be able to achieve the goals that we are wanting.
It is nit difficult to look for answers, we just need to be patient and also, we need lots of guts for us to be free of this being burden. We need to get out of the shelf and show the world that we are part of it. We are the major victim of this crisis, that's why we must find ways to get through from it. Always remember that the person in you is all that important, so if you are a good man, you can probably win through this crisis, but if you are a person of bad attitudes and bad acts, trust me, the economy won't and ever will save you. Why I am saying this? Well, it is not that I am cursing those bad doings of some other people, of course, I too know that cursing is not a good thing, but keep in mind that good doings receives a good harvest. So if you are aiming to a successful result, be sure that you are clean, and you deserve to achieve success, co'z if you are not, don’t expect on something good. Then if you are able to do these acts, you can now look forward to your chances to improve, do your best and grab those every little opportunity that comes your way, but remember not to step on someone, you will have a good catch if you do this. Also, always maintain a good relationship to your business colleagues and most especially to your customers, remember that without them you are not in your place right now. It is really not that easy to keep and maintain good customers, but keeping them is a good habit. Do what you think is best. Then the last and most important thing to do is pray, we need this in everything that we do, we need to give thanks and ask for guidance as well. This is the most powerful weapon that we have. Bear in mind that the best and only way to overcome bad situation is praying. And then the ideas that you have will surely doubled and you will suddenly come up with better answers. This means that you will soon have a more effective ways and guidelines to follow. When you do all these, it will be very easy for you to overcome the crisis in our economy.